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我儿子在桂林市第十七中学读高中三。在学课上他总说不想背单词,不想背古诗背课文,不想背化学方程式,所以成绩总是上不去。后来认识了赵金富讲师,我儿子对这些从未听闻过的记忆的方法产生了强烈的兴趣与好奇。凡是通过这种记忆方法记下来的课文,公式, 英文单词,作文等都比较牢靠。小雨记下来的东西就越来越多,忘记的却越来越少,在高三短短三个月内成绩就提升了许多。
---------学生母亲 - 向坤秀,来自中国广西桂林。
When I was 17 years old, I learnt the memory techniques from Mr Teo Kim Foo. It's before my N-level as I was really struggling in memorizing words and facts especially Social Studies and Geography. My result for the humanities (social studies geography) was always C5-C6. However, after getting the skills of memorizing, my result improved a lot and I got an A2 in my N level! I am now 20 years old and studying at Nanyang Polytechnic. The memory techniques are really good for me and I'm now still using it to memorize the facts from my textbooks in my Poly life.
---------Ms.Chan Jia Yee , (I was studying at Broadrick Secondary School in Singapore) In year 2012.
我叫阮钰雯,今年读七年级,我来自中国广西桂林,我学习记忆法是在2014年。我第一次接触记忆法是小学五年级,跟赵老师学习。这个方法给我的第一印象是“好玩,易懂” 它可以使一篇篇难背的拗口的古诗词,以及枯燥的提纲变成一张张生动形象的画面,也可以将易混的历史纪年表通过另一种方式展现出来。这不是枯燥的死记硬背,是一种通过左右脑结合使用的记忆方法。学习记忆法也使我学习的兴趣提升了许多。记忆法在我的学习旅程中给了我莫大的帮助。让我对学习更加有兴趣,在快乐中学习。‍

Sally Wong            (Bachelor of Business Marketing)

  我找了正确的读书法找了很久,终于让我遇上了它!在我还没参加记忆课程之前, 我在那一个小时的讲座里发现了自己也能拥有超强的记忆力.


Zelyon Sim                 (Agriculture Science)

  记忆,可以用来记过去开心,有意义的事情,或一个东西的资料,方便我们明白然后正确使用。大部分的我们都相信,那些有超强的记忆力的人是天生的,他们拥有好的基因。然而,参加了Brilliance Brain Memory后,发现原来记东西是可以学的,而且又简单,学习的当儿只给了几分钟的时间去记,原本认为时间太短自己不可能记住全部,然而出乎意料的记得全部。



Lewis Le Chiao                      (Bachelor of Business Admin, Studying in University Tunku Abdul Rahman)

Before joining this memory class, i was unable to memorize number or word those more than 6 phrases. Furthermore, memorizing 10 pieces of playing cards also is a challenge for me. In my academic study, I need to memorize many different things and these had made me suffer a lot. But after joining memory class that conducted by Mr.Teo, I am able to memorize a lot of thing that in short time.  Self confidence level will be further increase after joining this class and the techniques that taught can be applied into our daily life and academic study. Feel free to join memory class!Let us train ourselves and be the next “Strongest Brain”!

Lim Ming Ping                    (Bachelor of Business Admin)

I was one of the students who taking memory course conducted by Brilliance Brain Memory. Before taking the memory course, I didn’t know much about the memory techniques. However, I watched a few of the episodes of the China’s TV show, “The Brain”. When the time I visited the mind festival that held in UTAR Kampar, I saw Brilliance Enterprise Memory’s booth with a big banner of the TV show “The Brain”. At that time, I was with my friend, and it really attracted our attentions.  Then, we went to the booth to find out what was the interesting part of the memory techniques. When we reached that booth, those memory athletes showed us some of the memory techniques such as memorizing playing cards and memorizing random words. Their demonstrations really amazed us and the others who watched these demonstrations around the booth. After attended the talk about memory techniques, I decided to join the memory course conducted by Mr. Teo Kim Foo. Before joining the course, I was doubted that if I was able to learn all those memory techniques and apply it in daily life. However, after completed the course, I was able to apply those memory techniques that are taught by Mr. Teo. These techniques are very useful and applicable in our daily life.

黄莉珺  (中学生)

前几年我从网上看见最强大脑的节目, 看了后就感觉到他们这些选手很聪明啊! 是天生的记忆就这么好? 直到今年赵讲师来到我校给我们学生讲座, 告诉大家记忆是可以学习的, 这让我和朋友们都很开心, 一直去玩赵讲师教我们的字。之后再也没人提起了。后来我的朋友告诉我要一起去学记忆法吗? 我很开心问了父母后就来学习记忆法, 也希望可以提升我的学业。我会好好运用这些记忆法在我的学业上, 也希望这些记忆法可以传承下去让更多的人可以学习记忆法。学了记忆法后, 让我可以更快速及准确地把学习过的字全部记在脑里。

石秀秀 ( 拉曼大学生,工商管理系)

死记硬背, 让我学习很无趣, 尤其是在记Theory 方面, 让我感到非常的痛苦与挫败感。因为无法记得住课文上的内容,让我觉得以后无法应用在工作上, 因为把学到的都还给老师了。

但是, 学习了记忆法之后, 我非常清楚的知道自己在学习什么。之前, 所记不到的Theory , 现在我只要花点心思在宫殿地点法和物体部位法, 就可以有长期记忆了。谢谢赵老师。

杨健糧 (中学生)

我是一个记忆力很差的人, 因为这一点让我记东西遇到了一个很大的困难。我几乎是放弃了对我记忆的能力。


但赵讲师来到我校办讲座会, 说好的记忆力不是天生而是学回来的。这一点让我对自己已经放弃的记忆能力又回了一丝丝的希望。


当然我因为记忆能力从小就很差, 家人都很反对我去学记忆法。我用了我的口才, 终于让他们答应我去学记忆法。


当我学了第一堂课时, 我用了串联法让他们心服口服。我成功记忆了20样物品。我个人认为记忆是一个很神奇的东西, 用了记忆法就能开发我们神奇的记忆能力!

李美宝 (拉曼大学生)

以前的我记忆力很差, 中学的历史科目几年来不怎么好。上完了记忆课程后, 奇迹般的我竟然可以在短短5分钟内, 记住了10项历史事件的对应年份! 我也尝试了在5分钟内, 记忆了31个random words , 还有42个数字。


这个课程让我以前所有" 不可能 " 都变成了" 有可能 "。相信以后会创造更多可能。


最后, 感谢赵讲师的耐心教导, 谢谢!

彤歆 (拉曼大学生)

学之前我记的东西都很乱, 都不能顺序排列。现在可以记得很多也可以顺序记出来了。


林欣霓 (拉曼大学生)

学习记忆法之前, 认为记东西很辛苦,刚记的东西一下子就忘记了。


看到了这个课程也犹豫了很久不知道应不应该参与, 担心学了很难运用在学业上而浪费钱。

学习后发现蛮值得的, 原本很想睡觉,可当运用了记忆法后就感觉精神了, 也记得比较轻松。


运用记忆法记忆了后感觉脑袋空空没记到什么东西, 可是写出来之后发现自己已记到了, 很神奇。只要多练记忆就会更好了。

Yi wen  (Utar Student)

I came across this programme when i first visited Mind Festival with a friend. Both of us were very interested to join it but i was the only one to enrol the course at the end .


At first, i doubled whether it was really worth it or it was just a gimmick. Through the three days course, i was grateful that i made the right decision.


To be honest, i think it is worth my time and it actually motivate me to learn as much as possible. Now, i realised that knowledge and memory skill can be learned through the right technique and skill.


At last, thank you Master Teo.

汶乐 (拉曼大学生)

学习记忆课程后, 我得到了技巧和方法去记东西。从原本记忆力差的我, 在这课程中让我提升了很多。


原来记忆是这么好玩! 也非常感谢赵老师的教导, 传授技巧给我们, 帮助了许许多多的人走出记忆困境。

张佩妮 (拉曼大学生)



学习记忆法之后, 感觉记东西原来不会死板板,记东西会更focus 与开心,更有动力, 信心也来了。

黄莹妮 (拉曼大学生)

短时间记数字, 可以记大约7-8字, 多了容易忘。记忆需抄写很多遍。


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